Jumat, 11 Juni 2010


Friday-Saturday is the day that bastard. I hate that day, so fuck. everyone's nobody could understand me. if already feeling and habits of the fox would also not be. The first annoyance that I experienced, one boy I love him most for me was disappointed. maybe it was my fault but she should not say such rude. up until I cried. not deserve a rude boy said to a girl. whatever people want to say I'm stupid or something girl. and now I'm already looking forward to face him. I love him.
of hours one morning till now I'm playing GTA continues.
up to no sleep all day. more silly play GTA while tears (shed tears). nobody cares what I do not sleep.
because I play GTA and hold my mom and sister I growled ---> want to know why? because I do not tidy my room. It's up to my room so I want me apain. I would also burn up to me. fine?
they only know my life happy, but it? -______-I sadly do they care? I was sad again where friends, there is no right beside -.- say "best friend always there when joy and sorrow" but what?
photos with a look of depression .................excessive HAHA
sorry, if someone did not like this story. easy way: ke pojok kanan klik tanda silang...mudah kan?

bye~ semoga masih pada melihat aku

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